@yaro_by_janatcheque | Celia Dress
Your Monthly Inspiration Board
This months inspiration board fills me with joy. There have been so many lovely makes popping up this month and it feels like a collection of particularly beautiful pieces this month. I think January is a month where people really get their sewing hats on and it's so nice to see.
It was hard to whittle it down so it's a long one this month! I'll also be following up with a mini version in a couple of weeks which will showcase a beautifully made two-piece suit...
Happy sewing into February and keep your pictures coming!

@eleni_sews | Spring Trousers

@applique.te | Worker Trousers

@applique.te | Frida Shirt

@applique.te | Jesse Jumpsuit

@fabricocolien | Worker Trousers

@katilulemakes | Over Shirt

@kelsikendall | Worker Trousers

@laura.wolfgang | Worker Trousers

@lj_sews | Rib Sweater

@sophiamerlew | Worker Trousers

@the.social.fabric | Jesse Jumpsuit

@threadbitchbrighton | Sunday Trackies

This is one of my own makes - the Worker Trousers with an added pin tuck down the front legs. I'm wearing it here with the Belle Shirt which is the next item on the release list, due to be launched in the next couple of months!